How to Get More Matches on Tinder as a Man

Learn what you need to turn shawtys head on Tinder

🔥TL;DR for the Lazy

  • Face the Facts: Your profile isn't as hot as you think. Time for a reality check and some expectation management. You're not ugly, you're just... an acquired taste.
  • Level Up Your Look: Basic grooming isn't optional. Invest in yourself like you'd invest in a first-date outfit. Remember, looking good feels good, and feeling good gets matches.
  • Photo Overhaul: Ditch the blurry selfies and dead fish pics. Showcase your life in high-quality shots that don't scream "I live in my mom's basement." When in doubt, hire a pro.
  • Craft a Compelling Bio: Keep it authentic, sprinkle in some humor, and for the love of all that's holy, keep it brief. Your life story belongs in a memoir, not a dating app.
  • Consider Tinder Platinum: If your budget allows, upgrade for increased visibility. It's like steroids for your profile, minus the shrunken... nevermind.
  • Break the Ice (Without Freezing Up): Personalized openers are your friend. Show you've actually read their profile and aren't just mass-messaging everyone with a pulse.
  • Master the Algorithm: Swipe smart, not hard. Quality over quantity, folks. Consistent activity and a complete profile are your tickets to visibility ville.

Sound enticing? Read on for more brutal advice from Paw Markus (that's me) your virtual older brother.

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1. Get Real About Your Situation

First things first, let's rip off that band-aid. Your Tinder profile probably isn't as hot as you think it is.

Are you getting at least SOME matches on Tinder? Or is your phone drier than Gandhi's flip-flops during a desert marathon?

Time for some tough love and real talk.

  • Get Honest Feedback: Find a friend who won't sugarcoat it. Preferably someone who's actually successful on dating apps, not your wingman who's equally clueless. Ask them to be brutally honest about your Tinder photos, bio, and overall vibe. It might hurt, but it's for your own good.
  • Use Swipestats: Upload your Tinder data and face the cold, hard numbers. It's like a report card for your love life. This will give you insights into your match rate, swipe patterns, and how you stack up against the competition. Brace yourself; the truth might sting.
  • Analyze Your Matches: Look at the matches you've gotten (if any). Are they the type of people you're actually interested in? If not, your "solid profile" might be sending the wrong signals.

Look, delusion isn't doing you any favors. Once you know where you stand, you can actually start improving.

It's like trying to get in shape without knowing your current weight – pointless.

2. Stop Looking Like a Slob: Basic Grooming 101

Looks matter, sorry to break it to you. You don't need to look like Chris Hemsworth, but for the love of all that is holy, put in some effort.

First impressions matter, and on Tinder, they matter even more.

  • Hairstyle: Find a cut that suits your face shape. This might mean actually talking to a stylist instead of just asking for "the usual." And for the love of all that is holy, wash and style your hair regularly.
  • Facial Hair: Either commit to a style or shave it off. That patchy beard isn't fooling anyone. If you're going for facial hair, learn how to trim and maintain it properly. A well-groomed beard can be attractive; a scraggly mess is not.
  • Clothes That Fit: Dress like you give a shit about yourself. You don't need to follow trends, just wear clothes that fit. Learn your actual size, and invest in a few key pieces that fit well and can be mixed and matched.
  • Hit the Gym: Exercise regularly to avoid that doughy dadbod look. You don't need six-pack abs, just look like you can climb a flight of stairs without wheezing.
  • Skincare Routine: Yes, even you, Mr. "I Use Body Wash as Face Soap." A basic routine can work wonders. Cleanse, moisturize, and sunscreen.
  • Dental Hygiene: A great smile can be a game-changer. Brush, floss, and consider whitening if needed. Nothing kills attraction faster than neglected teeth.

3. Photos That Don't Make People Cringe

Your photos are your Tinder resume. Stop submitting the equivalent of crayon drawings.

It's time to showcase yourself in a way that doesn't scream "I live in my mom's basement and my best friend is a body pillow."

The "Don't Look Like a Serial Killer" Photo Guide:

What to Burn Immediately:

  • Blurry selfies that look like Bigfoot sightings
  • Mirror pics showcasing your messy room (and your terrible photography skills)
  • Group shots where you're the least attractive one (we all have that friend, don't make them your Tinder wingman)
  • Anything involving a fish (unless you're trying to attract other fishermen, in which case, carry on)
  • Shirtless bathroom selfies (unless you're a Greek god, and even then, proceed with caution)

What to Showcase Instead:

  • A clear headshot
  • You doing something interesting (no, Netflix doesn't count, but your obscure hobby might)
  • Travel photos that aren't basic Instagram bait (we get it, you went to Machu Picchu)
  • Pics with animals (borrow a cute dog if you have to, but don't lie about ownership)
  • Action shots of you engaged in a hobby or sport (to prove you occasionally leave the house)
  • A well-taken full body shot (clothed, please – leave something to the imagination)

The "I'm Actually Trying" Photo Shoot Plan:

  1. Hire a dating photographer. Yes, it's worth it. Think of it as an investment in not dying alone. A professional can make you look good without making it obvious you tried too hard.
  2. Choose different locations. A sports field if you're athletic, a museum if you're cultured, your mom's basement if you're... well, you get the idea. The point is to showcase your personality and interests visually.
  3. Wear clothes that make you look good. If you don't know what those are, refer back to point 2 or ask someone with fashion sense. Bring a few outfit changes to add variety to your shots.
  4. Natural light is your friend. Golden hour makes everyone look better. Schedule your shoot for early morning or late afternoon for that magic glow.
  5. Candid shots > Posed stiffness. Laugh, move, live a little. The best photos often come from moments between poses.
  6. Volume, volume, volume. Get a variety of shots: close-ups, full body, and medium distance. This gives you options when putting together your profile.

4. Write a Tinder Bio That Doesn't Put People to Sleep

Your bio is your chance to show you're not just another boring dude with a fishing pic.

Don't waste it on generic crap that makes people want to swipe left faster than you can say "I love long walks on the beach."

The "I'm Actually Interesting" Bio Formula:

  • Be Authentic: Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Unless you're boring. Then pretend a little. The key is to showcase your genuine interests and personality, but in the most engaging way possible.
  • Humor is Your Friend: A well-placed joke shows you don't take yourself too seriously. But if you're not funny, don't force it. Forced humor is worse than no humor. Self-deprecating humor can work, but don't overdo it – you're trying to get dates, not pity.
  • Keep It Brief: No one wants to read your life story. Save something for the actual date (if you ever get one). Aim for 3-4 sentences that pack a punch.
  • Showcase Unique Interests: "I like food and traveling" is not a personality. Dig deeper. What kind of food? What's the weirdest place you've traveled? Give specifics that make you stand out.
  • Include a Call to Action: End with something that invites interaction. A question, a challenge, or a playful statement can encourage matches to message you first.

5. Pay for Tinder (If You're Not Broke)

Sometimes you gotta spend money to make... quality matches. Welcome to the world of premium dating apps, where throwing money at your problems might actually help. But only if you do it right.

How to Make It Worth Your While:

  • Maximize your profile first. Follow the steps above (or invest in The SwipeGuide if you're serious)
  • Stay active. Paying and then ghosting the app is like joining a gym and never going. You're just throwing money away at that point.
  • Use boosts. Boosting does work, so do it in the evening hours when most girls are bored and swiping.

Is It Really Worth It?

Paying for dating apps is mandatory for guys who want results, as you will also learn in The SwipeGuide.

You get:

  • More visibility for your profile
  • Time-saving features like seeing who liked you
  • Higher match rates

But the brutal truth is that if your profile sucks, paying for Tinder is like putting a spoiler on a broken-down car. It might look flashier, but it's not going to perform any better.

6. Actually Talk to People (Novel Concept, Right?)

Congratulations, you've got matches! Now what? Time to remember how to form sentences and engage in something called "conversation."

Scary, I know, but necessary if you ever want to meet these people in real life.

The "I'm Not a Conversational Potato" Guide:

  • Personalized Openers: Show you actually read their profile. "Hey" is not a conversation starter. It's the conversational equivalent of a limp handshake. Do better.
  • Ask Engaging Questions: "How's your day?" is boring. "What's the worst date you've ever been on?" is interesting. Give them something to work with.
  • Be Genuinely Interested: Or at least fake it convincingly. People can smell desperation and disinterest equally. Find something in their profile you're genuinely curious about and explore that.
  • Use Humor Wisely: A well-timed joke can break the ice, but know your audience. What's hilarious to you might be offensive to others. When in doubt, keep it light and playful.
  • Know When to Take It Off-App: Don't drag the conversation on Tinder forever. If you're vibing, suggest moving things to text, Instagram or even a phone call. It shows initiative and separates you from the endless chatters.

Example Conversations

First of all, accept that you're going to have a lot of conversations to nowhere. My Tinder game is pretty tight and it still happens all the time.

But you can still increase your odds by not being boring.


You: "Hey"
Them: "Hi"
You: "What's up?"
Them: unmatches


You: "I see you're into rock climbing. Ever had any near-death experiences on the wall?"
Them: "Haha, not yet! But there was this one time..."
(Conversation continues because you're not boring)

Action Steps:

  1. Create a list of 5-10 engaging opening lines tailored to different types of profiles.
  2. Practice your conversation skills daily, even outside of Tinder. Talk to strangers (in appropriate settings), join discussion groups, or chat with friends.
  3. After each Tinder conversation, reflect on what worked and what didn't. Continuous improvement is key.

7. Game the Algorithm (Without Being a Tool)

Understanding how Tinder works can give you an edge. Use this power responsibly, young Padawan.

The Optimal Swiping Strategy:

  • Selective Swiping: Don't be that guy who swipes right on everyone. The algorithm actually hates that and will lower your "ELO" score. Swipe right on profiles you're genuinely interested in. Quality over quantity.
  • Regular Activity: Log in daily, and spend at least a couple of minutes swiping. You don't need to schedule marathon swipe-fests, a few minutes will doo.
  • Engage Meaningfully: Actually talk to your matches. The algorithm rewards active users who engage in conversations.
  • Update Your Profile: Refresh your bio and swap out photos once in a while. New content can boost your visibility in the stack.
  • Use Tinder Features: Super Likes, Boosts, and other in-app features can increase your visibility. Use them strategically, not frantically.


While these things can work well, exercise caution.

  • Reset Your Account Too Often: While it can give you a temporary boost, frequent resets can get you shadowbanned.
  • Avoid Third-Party Apps: They promise to game the system but often violate Tinder's terms of service. Not worth the risk.
  • Don't Be a Bot: Automated swiping or messaging tools are a big no-no. Tinder's algorithm is smart enough to catch on.

Final Thoughts (And The Dating App Guide You Never Knew You Needed)

Remember, at the end of the day, Tinder is just a tool. A means to an end. The real goal is to meet people, make connections, and hopefully find someone who thinks your brand of weirdness is charming.

Still need more help?

Don't worry, we've got your back. Check out The SwipeGuide – it's like having a brutally honest wingman in your pocket, minus the beer breath.

What the SwipeGuide Offers

  • Data-Driven Reality: At Swipestats we have access to A LOT of dating app data. We've got the inside secrets that'll make your dating profile stand out.
  • No-BS Action Plan: Forget vague advice like "just be yourself." We'll give you concrete steps to transform your dating life.
  • One-Stop Shop for Not Sucking at Dating: All the tips, tricks, and hard truths you need, conveniently packaged in one place. It's like a Swiss Army knife for your love life, without the weird little toothpick.

What are you waiting for? Check out The SwipeGuide now!

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