How to Answer the 'Together We Could' Hinge Prompt Without Sounding Like a Complete Tool

The cheeky, funny, personal and the cringe

TL;DR Version

Look, I'm Paw Markus, and I've spent way too much time on dating apps. If you're here, it's because you're struggling with Hinge's "Together we could" prompt. Let's cut the bullshit and get to the point: most people suck at answering this. But you're not going to be one of them.

  • Best cheeky answer: ... finally figure out why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (spoiler: it's probably crack)
  • Best funny answer: ... become the world's most mediocre crime-fighting duo (cape optional, dad bod mandatory)
  • Best deeply personal answer: ... create a bucket list and cross off every item, one adventure at a time (yes, even the weird ones)

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How NOT to Answer the 'Together We Could' Prompt (Unless You Want to Die Alone)

Before we dive into how to not suck at this, let's talk about the answers that'll make you look like a complete jackass. If you're using any of these, stop it. Seriously.

Here are five examples of answers that'll have your matches swiping left faster than you can say "I'm a nice guy":

  • ... Netflix and chill (Congrats, you've just told everyone you're unoriginal and probably bad in bed)
  • ... get married and have kids (Slow down, psycho. You haven't even met yet)
  • ... do anything you want, baby (Desperation is not a good cologne)
  • ... rule the world (Unless you're actually a Bond villain, just... no)
  • ... be together forever (Are you trying to find a date or summon a demon?)

These answers are the equivalent of showing up to a first date in sweatpants. They're lazy, they're boring, and they scream "I have the personality of a wet cardboard box."

You're on a dating app, not writing your wedding vows. Act like it.

Wanna learn more? Check out our Hinge Review.

How I'd Answer This Prompt (Without Making Everyone Cringe)

The key here is to be interesting without trying too hard. You want to show that you have a personality, but not that your personality is "trying to impress strangers on the internet."

Here's how I'd do it:

  • ... start a secret society dedicated to bringing back '90s fashion (because nothing says 'I make good life choices' like a fanny pack)
  • ... embark on a quest to find the world's best taco truck (it's probably not where you think it is)
  • ... create a podcast where we review movies we've never seen based solely on their posters (spoiler: we're always wrong)
  • ... open a cat cafĂ©, but plot twist: it's for dogs (because cats are assholes anyway)
  • ... invent a new sport that combines chess and paintball (for when you want to feel smart and stupid at the same time)
  • ... go on a road trip where we only stop at towns with weird names (next stop: Intercourse, Pennsylvania!)
  • ... start a band that only covers TV theme songs (I'll be there for you... get it?)
  • ... attempt to break the world record for most high-fives in an hour (because who doesn't love a good palm slap?)
  • ... create a dating app for introverts where matches are based on Netflix watchlists (swipe right for true crime documentaries)
  • ... become professional ice cream taste-testers (because adulting is overrated)

These answers show that you have a sense of humor and aren't afraid to be a bit weird. They're conversation starters, not conversation enders. Use them wisely.

Cheeky Answers (For Those Who Like to Live Dangerously)

Alright, listen up. If you're going to go the cheeky route, you better commit to it. Half-assed cheekiness is about as attractive as a hangover on a Monday morning. The goal here is to make them laugh, not roll their eyes so hard they see their own brain.

Here are 10 cheeky examples that might actually get you a date (no guarantees, though):

  • ... finally solve the age-old question: is a hot dog a sandwich? (Spoiler: it's a taco)
  • ... start a support group for people who can't resist clicking on clickbait articles (You won't believe number 7!)
  • ... invent a time machine and go back to convince whoever invented homework that it's a terrible idea (and maybe buy some Bitcoin while we're at it)
  • ... create a reality show where introverts compete to see who can avoid social interaction the longest (Winner gets a lifetime supply of noise-cancelling headphones)
  • ... open a restaurant that only serves food in miniature (Because nothing says "I have my shit together" like tiny food)
  • ... form a detective agency that specializes in finding lost socks (The dryer conspiracy is real, people)
  • ... write a self-help book titled "How to Pretend You're Adulting When You Have No Idea What You're Doing" (Bestseller material right there)
  • ... start a petition to make naps mandatory in the workplace (Because productivity is overrated)
  • ... create a dating app for AI chatbots (Siri and Alexa need love too)
  • ... become professional chocolate tasters and gain the "quarantine 15" with pride (Dad bods are in, right?)

Remember, the key to pulling off cheeky answers is confidence. If you're going to be a smartass, own it. Nothing's worse than someone who makes a joke and then immediately apologizes for it. You're not here to make friends; you're here to get dates. And if they can't handle your humor, they probably can't handle you.

Funny Answers (Because Laughter is Better Than a Six-Pack... Sometimes)

Let's face it: being funny is hard. It's like trying to explain why you still live with your parents at 30 – it's possible, but it's not going to be pretty. But here's the thing: a good sense of humor is like a good credit score. It can get you places you have no business being.

So here are 10 funny answers that might make your match laugh instead of immediately unmatching you:

  • ... start a band called "The Socially Awkward" and only play at librarian conventions (Our hit single: "Shh... You Had Me at Hello")
  • ... open a gym where the only equipment is wine bottles and pizza boxes (Finally, a workout routine I can stick to)
  • ... create a dating app that matches people based on their most embarrassing moments (Swipe right if you've ever walked into a glass door)
  • ... become professional nappers and write reviews on the best napping spots in the city (5 stars for that park bench near the duck pond)
  • ... start a conspiracy theory that pigeons are actually government drones (Wake up, sheeple!)
  • ... invent a device that translates what our pets are really thinking (Spoiler: It's mostly "feed me" and "I hate you")
  • ... create a line of brutally honest greeting cards (Happy Birthday! You're one year closer to needing adult diapers)
  • ... start a business that specializes in fake excuses to get out of social events (Our slogan: "We lie so you don't have to")
  • ... become professional Netflix binge-watchers and offer our services to busy people (Yes, we'll judge you for your viewing history)
  • ... open a restaurant where the menu changes based on your ex's favorite foods (Nothing tastes as good as petty feels)

Here's the deal: funny is subjective. What makes one person laugh might make another person swipe left faster than you can say "It was just a joke!" But that's okay. You're not trying to be everyone's cup of tea. You're looking for the person who thinks your brand of weird is just right.

Remember, the goal here isn't to be a comedian. It's to show that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you can laugh at the absurdities of life (and dating). If they can't appreciate that, well, their loss. You'll be too busy laughing at your own jokes to notice anyway.

Deeply Personal Answers (For Those Who Like to Trauma Dump on the First Date)

Alright, listen up. We're about to enter the danger zone of online dating: getting personal. This is where most people f*ck up royally.

They either go too deep too fast and scare off potential matches, or they play it so safe they might as well be a beige wall in a doctor's office.

The trick is to be genuine without oversharing. You want to give a glimpse of your soul, not your entire psychological profile. Here are 10 examples that walk that fine line:

  • ... create a bucket list and cross off every item, one adventure at a time (Even the one about skinny dipping in the Arctic)
  • ... start a two-person book club where we read each other's favorite books (Prepare for judgment if you suggest "50 Shades of Grey")
  • ... volunteer at animal shelters and inevitably end up adopting way too many pets (I hope you like fur on everything you own)
  • ... learn a new language together and only communicate in it for a month (Bonus points if it's Klingon)
  • ... take cooking classes and compete to see who can make the best meal (Loser does dishes for a year)
  • ... go on a technology detox retreat and rediscover the lost art of eye contact (Warning: may cause severe Instagram withdrawal)
  • ... start a podcast about our biggest fears and how we overcome them (Episode 1: Why clowns are actually Satan's minions)
  • ... create a time capsule to be opened in 20 years, filled with our hopes and dreams (And probably some embarrassing predictions about flying cars)
  • ... take turns planning surprise weekend trips for each other (No deserted islands or murder mystery mansions, please)
  • ... start a small garden and nurture it together (Because if we can keep plants alive, maybe we can keep a relationship alive too)

These answers show that you're willing to be vulnerable, but in a way that's still fun and engaging. You're not dumping your entire life story in their lap, but you're giving them enough to work with. It's like offering a sample at Costco – just enough to make them want more.

The "I'm Actually Interesting" Answers (For Those Who Are... Well, Interesting)

Let's be real for a second. Most people on dating apps are about as interesting as watching paint dry. But you're not most people, right? You've got depth. You've got passions. You've got... well, something that sets you apart from the sea of "I like hiking and The Office" profiles out there.

Here are 10 answers that scream "I'm actually an interesting human being" without coming off as a pretentious asshole:

  • ... start a YouTube channel where we review the weirdest products we can find on the internet (First up: banana slicers)
  • ... embark on a quest to find the best hole-in-the-wall restaurants in every city we visit (Bonus points if we don't get food poisoning)
  • ... create a series of short films based on the most ridiculous dreams we've had (Warning: May include flying pizzas and talking dogs)
  • ... start a two-person improv group and perform at local open mic nights (Prepare for awkward silences and pity laughs)
  • ... take up urban exploration and document abandoned places in our city (Ghost hunting equipment optional but recommended)
  • ... create a board game based on our most embarrassing dating experiences (Landing on "Awkward First Kiss" sends you back three spaces)
  • ... learn a useless but impressive skill together, like knife throwing or unicycling (Great for parties, terrible for job interviews)
  • ... start a blog chronicling our attempts to recreate famous movie scenes in real life (Titanic's "I'm flying" scene might be challenging)
  • ... create a scavenger hunt across the city for each other, filled with inside jokes and challenges (First one to chicken out buys dinner)
  • ... take a class in something completely out of our comfort zones, like aerial silk dancing or blacksmithing (Because why the hell not?)

These answers show that you've got interests beyond Netflix and chill. They paint a picture of someone who's willing to try new things, who has a sense of adventure, and who might actually be fun to hang out with.

Remember, the goal here isn't to impress everyone. It's to find someone who gets excited about the same weird shit you do. Because at the end of the day, that's what a good relationship is – two people who enjoy each other's brand of crazy.

Now go forth and be interesting, you magnificent weirdos. And if all else fails, remember: there's always cats. Lots and lots of cats.

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